The Entity

The Basics:

Throughout history, aberrant beings have gone by many names. From the paranormal, to vampires, to fairies, to demons, many such historical accounts trace back to the existence of entities.

Entities, or nonanthropes, are sometimes considered to be natural predators to humans. On average, they possess skills beyond our capabilities, from their senses to their mobility. However, it is important to note that not all entities are dangerous- in the same way that not every bear is going to kill you. Regardless, keeping your wits about around any sort of aberrancy is key to your survival. You may only have the smallest warning, if you're granted one at all.

True entities are those who are born as a seperate species to humans. Some may look identical to a human being, while others appear closer to your typical "monster." Regardless of their birthplace, they are steeped in aberrancy, and their origin can be traced back to beyond the veil. An entity is typically able to sense things that a human cannot, as well as travel between planes much easier- sometimes completely on accident. An entity is typically much harder to kill than a human, though this may depend on species and personal ability. It is important to remember that regardless of an entity's birthplace, who raised them, or what their tempermant may be, they are still non anthropes- literally translating to "not-humans."

Understanding entities as a blanket-group, while necessary for the generalizing of aberrant beings, is usually unhelpful when it comes to specific information, such as origin, biology, and capabilities. Furthermore, two members of the same species may vary in such capabilities and temperament, similarly to humans themselves. It is wise to treat every entity as though they are a credible threat, and to not underestimate one based on how they behave.

Common Attributes:

While the abilities and attributes of an entity may vary, there are some frequent traits one may spot in an entity. This includes:

It is important to note that one, or even multiple, of these traits, do not necessarily indicate the presence of an entity. However, many of these things in combination, along with entity-specific attributes, should be kept in mind, especially if you are in a vulnerable situation.

Should You Distrust an Entity?

Whether you should or should not trust an entity is up to the individual case. As stated above, not every entity is a dangerous one. Many are apathetic, or even friendly, to humankind. However, if an entity is a stranger, it is always smart to excercise extreme caution, especially if you are unsure of species or intent. If you feel that you may be in danger of an entity attack, please see the guide on how to survive an entity encounter.
